Saturday, August 11, 2018

Story: Function, Form, and Features

The function of story is:
1) Communicative -- it is how we talk to each other
2) Locative -- it is what we live in, we live in a metanarrative
3) Formative -- it forms our way of thinking and acting
4) Emotive -- it evokes our feelings, our emotions

The form of story is:
Beginning, Middle, and End (according to Aristotle)

The features of story are: 
Character, Setting, and Plot                                        I


  1. Michael, I just finished reading A Novel Approach. Very helpful and stimulating. I certainly resonate with the crucial place of story in human existence. I read the book via Kindle. However, it was a frustrating read because the formatting was repetitious...sometimes I would advance to the next page and the paragraph I just read was repeated. This happened several times. Likewise, Kindle on PC was worse. Whole sections of the book would be the section on the chiasm, between the Natural realm and the Destiny realm nothing was there. I tried reinstalling the book but it didn't make a difference. Perhaps others have mentioned this problem, but I thought I should alert you to this situation in case there is something you can address with Amazon.

  2. Ken, Thanks for the comment. Much appreciated. So sorry to hear of the formatting issues. That's not good. If you send me your mailing address, I'll send you a hardcopy of the book. I know it's formatting is good!!

  3. And now might I add to the function, form, and features...
    -- the FRAMES of story; that is Foils, Rituals, Archetypes, Metaphors (all figures of speech), Emotion, and Symbols.

    Function, Form, Features, and FRAMES.
